Movie Review - Hugo (2011)

Hugo exists not only to entertain, but hopefully to inspire a child's imagination and wonder about the history of film.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I Can't Believe its Not Butter!

Melati Suryodarmo. You may remember her from her infamous Youtube video: It is quite difficult not to laugh the first time watching it, but after the giggles and tears one may start to think what is she doing? and WHY? Exergie, the butter dance, was created as a way to express what Melati was going through at the time: "When I created butter dance, I was in a situation where I realized that my life has been up and down, fell down and I got...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 days of Mr. Fuzzy Sweepstakes

Win your very own Mr. Fuzzy! He is the perfect travel buddy. Starting tomorrow, 12 days of Mr. Fuzzy begins! See details below on how to enter. Good luck! :) ...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Old Overacheiving Joe

Joe Foss was the leading fighter ace in WWII, shooting down at least 26 air crafts, earning him the Medal of Honor. Then after all that attention he decided to live a quiet life and become a General in the National Guard, the Governor of South Dakota, the first commissioner of the American Football League, and a television broadcaster. Joe came from a poor background. He grew up in a farmhouse that didn't have electricity. After waiting for...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Never give up, never surrender!

At 42, Alan Rickman finally landed his dream job. In his younger years, Rickman had an interest in the arts. In high school, he developed an attraction to drama. However, drama was "not seen as a sensible thing to do at 18."  So in order to make his mom proud, he took up the much more stable career of graphic design. Rickman and a few friends opened their own graphic design studio. Surprisingly, they were pretty successful. After going...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Prostitution, Piracy, and Power

One of the most notorious pirates of the China seas, Ching Shih, ruled with an iron fist.  If you tried deserting Ching's fleet, your ears were chopped off. Rape of a female prisoner would result in castration or beheading. Any display of cowardice would result in beheading. If you were caught stealing you would lose your head as well.  Seeing a trend here?  Punishment for hiding loot would be flogging, but if you were caught...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Something Different

ITS TIME FOR CHANGE! Don't worry the change will only affect 3 people... It is more about giving Domestic Sanity a clear direction. "Individual thought, everyday life" Everyone is unique and we wish for our shirts to describe who YOU, the individual, are. With this in mind, the blog is going to be different. I know this may be depressing for the few that find my little stories interesting (Sorry, Mom and Dad!). It shouldn't be stories about...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Introducing: Frost

  I want to introduce you to another part of my family. His name is Frost! Isn't he adorable!! We were actually contemplating naming him Booger, but thought Frost was the more fitting name. (Though when he started chewing up and digging everything, Booger seemed more appropriate...) Here is the first trick I taught him! He can shake hands! However, later I found out that all dogs can do this -____- so it wasn't a trick at all =/  Here...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hurray! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I get to pig out :) Here is another amazing poem to celebrate! Thanksgiving The Pilgrims ate a feast Indians wanted peace So they ate together seems like forever Thats why we have Thanksgiving November is near So don't shed a tear. Oh yah if you happen to see this in time... Domestic Sanity is having a BLACK FRIDAY SALE!! 25% off our entire stock starting Friday! Just enter "blackfriday"....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I hope you have a fun night. In preparation for this sweet holiday, I shall give you some advice from my younger self in the form of a poem :) My First Pimple O my! Should I cry? I got my first pimple I didn't know it was so simple Yesterday, I went trick o' treating When I was eating I got a lot of chocolate That fit in my right pocket I ate them all that day Then I had to pay... So have fun and beware of pimples...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Guns pt.2: The pew pew gun

Ok. So I noticed the last post I made makes my brother sound QUITE terrible. Actually, all the posts I write make him sound like a total douchebag, which is not ENTIRELY true. He is A LOT wiser now, being the old man that he is...   My new plan is for every terrible story I tell about him, my next blog will be a happier story. Then Mark will look more like a normal child and not a future serial killer that lures people in with his artistic...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Guns pt 1: You have 10 seconds...

Today I thought I would share another wonderful story about my childhood. Sorry, this is another Mark story. I promise there will be a Brent story...eventually... :) When you are a child, pictures are normally captured through the eyes of your parents. So many photos tend to be facades of the actual relationships between siblings... Oh sure, I look like I am having fun, but it is once the camera is put away and the parents leave that fear overcomes...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Introducing: Mr. Fuzzy

For the few that look forward to my blogs, I am so sorry for the delay! I have been busy on a new project. Meet Mr. Fuzzy. He is small, dark, and handsome He is a great listener He is travel size His hobbies include being spontaneous and traveling He really wants to see the world, but being small has its disadvantages. His legs can only take him so far! So we are going to help him. Sorry, if you start seeing him tagging along in your packages....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

AJ Rafael + Blush Video


Monday, September 24, 2012

Mr. Bear #2

My second attempt at making our bear! Hurray for improvement. Mr. Bear #1 is no longer alone :) -Alison ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Snail Mail

    I went to a small college about 30 minutes away from Napa valley. We were on a hill and were very sheltered. At times, I would feel as though I was in a mystical land, more accurately, a beautiful prison. I had no car so I was on campus most of the time. The gym was small, the dorms were separated by gender, the food was inedible, and there was curfew until you were 21.       As you can imagine, I dreamed...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Presenting: AJ Rafael

Today I had the pleasure of meeting AJ Rafael! :) He was so kind. He wore one of our shirts that will be shown in his upcoming Youtube video featuring Blush. I'll post it when it comes out (for all 3 of you that read this).  PLUS, he let us even have a mini photo session. We told him to act natural and this is the result.  Ladies... brace yourself. So there you have it. Every girls dream. AJ is cuddly and seductive ;) -Aliso...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Book Poems! (8 years old)

  I found the "How do I look" poem very entertaining and decided to draw a comic of it today! :) I am no Mark, do not expect much... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! -Alison ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Scared of the Dark

Scared of the Dark from Domestic Sanity on Vim...

Friday, August 31, 2012


Growing up, I do not remember having any irrational fear of heights. Roller coasters and planes were fun! Of course, whenever I stand on a ledge, I sometimes imagine falling and become afraid, but that's not very interesting. However, as a child I do remember having a horrendous fear of... (Google images) THE TELEPHONE... The sun was setting and the house was dark. The parents were out of the house and Brent was out with his friends. Only Mark...