Movie Review - Hugo (2011)

Hugo exists not only to entertain, but hopefully to inspire a child's imagination and wonder about the history of film.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

AJ Rafael + Blush Video


Monday, September 24, 2012

Mr. Bear #2

My second attempt at making our bear! Hurray for improvement. Mr. Bear #1 is no longer alone :) -Alison ...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Snail Mail

    I went to a small college about 30 minutes away from Napa valley. We were on a hill and were very sheltered. At times, I would feel as though I was in a mystical land, more accurately, a beautiful prison. I had no car so I was on campus most of the time. The gym was small, the dorms were separated by gender, the food was inedible, and there was curfew until you were 21.       As you can imagine, I dreamed...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Presenting: AJ Rafael

Today I had the pleasure of meeting AJ Rafael! :) He was so kind. He wore one of our shirts that will be shown in his upcoming Youtube video featuring Blush. I'll post it when it comes out (for all 3 of you that read this).  PLUS, he let us even have a mini photo session. We told him to act natural and this is the result.  Ladies... brace yourself. So there you have it. Every girls dream. AJ is cuddly and seductive ;) -Aliso...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Book Poems! (8 years old)

  I found the "How do I look" poem very entertaining and decided to draw a comic of it today! :) I am no Mark, do not expect much... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! -Alison ...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Scared of the Dark

Scared of the Dark from Domestic Sanity on Vim...