Movie Review - Hugo (2011)

Hugo exists not only to entertain, but hopefully to inspire a child's imagination and wonder about the history of film.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Something Different

ITS TIME FOR CHANGE! Don't worry the change will only affect 3 people... It is more about giving Domestic Sanity a clear direction. "Individual thought, everyday life" Everyone is unique and we wish for our shirts to describe who YOU, the individual, are. With this in mind, the blog is going to be different. I know this may be depressing for the few that find my little stories interesting (Sorry, Mom and Dad!). It shouldn't be stories about...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Introducing: Frost

  I want to introduce you to another part of my family. His name is Frost! Isn't he adorable!! We were actually contemplating naming him Booger, but thought Frost was the more fitting name. (Though when he started chewing up and digging everything, Booger seemed more appropriate...) Here is the first trick I taught him! He can shake hands! However, later I found out that all dogs can do this -____- so it wasn't a trick at all =/  Here...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hurray! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I get to pig out :) Here is another amazing poem to celebrate! Thanksgiving The Pilgrims ate a feast Indians wanted peace So they ate together seems like forever Thats why we have Thanksgiving November is near So don't shed a tear. Oh yah if you happen to see this in time... Domestic Sanity is having a BLACK FRIDAY SALE!! 25% off our entire stock starting Friday! Just enter "blackfriday"....