So if you didn't already know, our post went CRAZY yesterday! Not one, but TWO of our posts made it on the front page of Reddit! The first was the picture from our earlier blog. The other was our promotional video. I couldn't stop refreshing my page. I think I spent six straight hours staring at my computer and refreshing. It was unreal. I jumped and screamed out of my seat a couple of times.
Though there was a lot of negative comments, especially in the video, today I am going to focus on the positive! Mark will report on the negative and answer some questions since he is the more negative of the three of us >:)
So the best comments came from our picture. If you haven't seen our video game picture, you can find it here.
Here are the highlights! There are more, but there is no way I'm going through 1000 comments...
When I first started reading the below comment, I thought it was going to be about me since all the people I know that read reddit are guys ... but NOoo. Its about Mark's body -_____-
Other great comments:
While most comments about Mark were about his muscles, many of my comments had to do with the confusion of my gender -___-. It was sadly amusing... Oh yeah, for those that aren't reddit literate OP means original poster! I just learned that yesterday! Even though I was sitting most of the day, I did learn something ^___^
Also, not everything about me was about gender confusion. I did receive some compliments on my back! Someone posted our picture in 9gag and I think this is my most favorite comment about me! :)
I think its quite hilarious how people can judge so much by looking at our backs. All in all it was an exciting experience, filled with lots of funny comments and heart warming stories of other peoples gaming experience with their siblings. I'm glad that our picture could spark so many great memories!
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