Movie Review - Hugo (2011)

Hugo exists not only to entertain, but hopefully to inspire a child's imagination and wonder about the history of film.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Uniquely Geometric Tattoos

Peter Aurisch is a Berlin based tattoo artist. His creations are like nothing I have seen before. He uses shapes, lines, and even colors to create such vivid images. It is no wonder he only sees one patient per day and reservations have to be made months in advance. You can see more of his artwork on his site and Tumb...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Real Women Warriors

Virgin women protecting a powerful man is not something that Sacha Baron Cohen invented, it is actually quite historically accurate. Though they were not from the "Republic of Wadiya" and were not scantily clad. Sorry. The Dahomey Amazons originated from the African Kingdom of Dahomey (obviously), which is present day Republic of Benin. At first, King Houegbadja created this group to hunt elephants. When his son took over, he came up with the...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Surrealistic Pillow" Project

Ronen Goldmen uses his dreams to inspire these surrealistic pictures. ...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

YOLO by Lonely Island (feat. Adam Levine and Kendrick Lamar)

Yo You only live once! So be careful...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Beethoven Flashmob

If you like Beethoven, flashmobs, and feeling warm and fuzzy, you will enjoy this video! (watch it full screen, it's better...

Friday, January 25, 2013


MS MR has released Fantasy, the first song to their upcoming album. Check it out!...

Fallen Princesses

What if they didn't live happily ever after? "Fallen Princesses" by Dina Goldstein ...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Late Success

Harland Sanders (aka Colonel Sanders) did not open KFC until he was 65 years old. Harland Sanders, 20. Let's just say his road to success had a lot of bumps, cracks, and pot holes. From the very beginning he ran into a lot of obstacles. After  his father passed away, at 12, he had to drop out of school (6th grade) and help take care and cook for the family. But then it get's worse. His lonely mother decides to get remarried and of...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's all about perspective!

Jonty Hurwitz forms seemingly abstract sculptures. However, do not fret! You do not need to be an art critic to understand the "deeper" meaning of his intense artwork. All you need is a cylindrical mirror and its form can be easily translated. His process?  "The Binge Thinking Collection is my study on the physics of how we perceive space. Each piece is the stroke of over 1 billion calculations and draws upon a unique way in...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Worst Serve Ever in Pro-Tennis History?

Li Na, woman's rank number 6, hits one of the worst serves in tennis history. Check it o...

Fantasy meets Reality

Johan Thörnqvist transforms ordinary photos into an inhabitable utopia where little people go about their daily lives.  These photos were only taken with his phone.  Here are some of his other work  Check out his process! ...